Saturday, December 28, 2019

Donald Super s Life Span Theory - 1495 Words

For many people, finding a career that is both fulfilling and practical is a strenuous task. Fortunately, there is a plethora of different interventions, techniques, assessments, and inventories designed to aid those individuals in making the wisest career choices possible. But are any of those routes inherently better than the others? Or are all the differing options separate but equally effective? Donald Super’s Life Span Theory and John Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice are just two of the many theories used for career counseling. Both methods are distinct in the way they approach career issues, yet despite their differences, there are some resemblances between the two theories as well. Comparing and contrasting these two theories will make it easier to see if one theory is better than the other for career counseling or if they are both equally effective. Super’s Life Span Theory is one of several developmental theories. Developmental theories are concerne d with career choices made over an individual’s lifetime. They are based around the influence that biological, psychological, sociological, and cultural factors have on career decisions as well as other choices that are made in a person’s life. Super’s Theory is different from other developmental theories because it proposes that psychological and socioeconomic factors have a role in the development of the self, that self-concept affects vocational development, that both individual and life roles play a key part inShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Donald Super s Life Span987 Words   |  4 PagesAssignment 1: Theory Selection Paper Misty Mitchell CNDV 5323 Career Development Lamar University Introduction of theory Author(s) The theory I connect with the most is Donald Super’s â€Å"life-span, life-space† theory. Donald Super devised a developmental stage theory involving one s personal growth, acquisition of skills, and general development towards working. 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Intellectual stimulation (Super, 1970). According to Murphy,Read MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Hero With A Thousand Faces - 1540 Words

Superman or Superwoman; Equality For All, Joseph Campbell â€Å"The Hero With A Thousand Faces† and The Movie â€Å"Alien† A hero is â€Å"a man (or occasionally a woman) of superhuman strength, courage, or ability, favored by the gods.† Based on this quote, found on â€Å"The Oxford English Dictionary Online,† one can assume that the hero would be a man based on the terms that are used. People often associate a man as being the almighty power in a situation. They are referred to as the hero. One does not often find a movie about superheroes with the hero being a woman. Gender should not define who is the better person. In order for one to be a hero, one must step up to the plate and destroy the monster behind the situation. If a woman is able to accomplish that task, then why can they not become a hero for society to cherish. Using The Hero With a Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell, Alien can be seen to argue how women are equal to men through the stages of a hero’s journey. In order for Ripley to become a hero, there has to be a situation in which she could shine. Relating this to Campbell’s piece, he explains the idea of the call to adventure. In this, he states â€Å" a blunder—apparently the merest chance—reveals an unsuspected world, and the individual is drawn into a relationship with forces that are not rightly understood.† This quote demonstrates how the hero is chosen for a task that they do not necessarily want to do. This is considered the call to adventure, in which that is the hero’sShow MoreRelatedThe Hero With A Thousand Faces796 Words   |  4 PagesIn 1949, Joseph Campbell published his book â€Å"The Hero with a Thousand Faces.† It details his theory of the â€Å"monomyth,† a theory that illustrates how many heroic mythological stories have similar outlines and archetypes. During his discussion of the second chapter of the monomyth, Campbell says that the mon omyth can â€Å"serve as a general pattern for men and women† in their everyday lives (121). In many circumstances, comparisons can be made between normal situations throughout life and the monomythRead MoreHero With A Thousand Faces1555 Words   |  7 PagesAnyone can be a hero, no matter where they come from, they could be your neighbor or be in the next town over, in another state or even in another country. Luis Gonzalez, born and raised in a small farm in Jalisco Mexico was eighteen years old when his own personal hero journey began. A â€Å"Heroes Journey† is a seventeen stage itinerary divided into three segments listed in order; Departure, Initiation and Return. These stages consist of what the hero in the story will do in their journey accordingRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1284 Words   |  6 Pages Analysis of Beowulf In his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, first published in 1949, esteemed American mythologist Joseph Campbell outlines the fundamental structure every archetypal hero follows during his or her journey in the world of mythologies. Campbell coined the term â€Å"monomyth to describe the stories that follow this structure. The monomythic cycle, commonly referred to as The Hero s Journey, is divided into three primary sections known as the Departure, Fulfillment, and ReturnRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1524 Words   |  7 PagesRevised Draft A hero is â€Å"a man (or occasionally a woman) of superhuman strength, courage, or ability, favored by the gods.† Based on this quote, found on â€Å"The Oxford English Dictionary Online,† one can assume that the hero would be a man based on the terms that are used. People often associate a man as being the almighty power in a situation. They are referred to as the hero. One does not often find a movie about superheroes with the hero being a woman. Gender should not define who is the betterRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces1328 Words   |  6 PagesCooper Clarke English 4 – Period 2 Mr. McQueary 8/22/14 The Hero with a Thousand Faces Prologue – The Monomyth Myth and Dream Myths are universal and transcendent through time; many ancient myths are seen recreated in modern times. The author uses Oedipus as a way of comparing myth to psychology. Dreams have also played a major role in civilization; the people who could interpret dreams can understand and create myths. â€Å"Dream is the personalized myth† (19). Tragedy and Comedy People have alwaysRead MoreThe Hero With A Thousand Faces2252 Words   |  10 Pagestheory of the monomyth, all the myths that have withstood the test of time for thousands of years are based on a similar foundation. This foundation is explored in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces where he describes the theory in this quote â€Å"A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on hisRead MoreThe Hero with One Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell1447 Words   |  6 Pagesyoung innocent character who embarks on a journey and becomes a hero, known as The Hero’s Journey; a series of steps that all heroes follow. This journey not only shows the main character becoming a hero but also shows the hero move along a path similar to that of adolescence, the path between childhood and maturity. The Hero’s Journey was created by a man by the name of Joseph Campbell. He wrote a book called The Hero with One Thousand Faces, a novel containing a variety of stories that follow the stepsRead MoreThe Cultural Values And The Archetypal Patterns Of The Novel Hero With A Thousand Faces 1331 Words   |  6 Pageson a pedestal, unlike their deception during the Late Middle Ages after the advent of chivalry and courtly love. On that note, Sir Gawain and Beowulf both reflect the cultural values and the archetypal patterns found in Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces which are expressed throughout their communities. Even though some of the values such as valor and loyalty carried over from one time period to another, the two cultures experienced a paradigm shift from the way fighting was conducted allRead MoreTo What Extent Did the Book Hero with a Thousand Faces Influence the Sci-Fi Fantasy Film Genre, Specifically George Lucas’s Star Wars Trilogy?4143 Words   |  17 PagesIntroduction A hero goes forth from his familiar life into a world of the supernatural; difficulties are encountered which the hero conquers; and he returns home to celebrate with his friends. You may think you know what sci-fi/fantasy movie I’m talking about. But what I was actually describing is the book Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell. Because when it comes down to it, almost all sci-fi and fantasy movies follow the same basic pattern, the â€Å"Monomyth† described in Campbell’s bookRead MoreThe Hobbit, Or There And Back Again Essay1423 Words   |  6 Pagesor final battle followed by their return. Amongst the greatest and most authoritative pieces of literature written in the 20th century is Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Both the ideals and concepts within The Hero with a Thousand Faces are being used, and have been used, in the art of storytelling for thousands of years. The specific concepts Joseph Campbell lays out within the text is a dissection of the many common themes which the vast majority of stories, the heroic tale

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Drug Protocol Practice Asthma Disease

Question: Discuss about the Drug Protocol Practicefor Asthma Disease. Answer: Introduction Asthma disease requires careful consideration of the management and diagnostic plan in order to offer the right medication. As a nursing practitioner there is need to follow the right diagnosis path with the use of right protocol steps so as to achieve positive health state. Salbutamol has been used to offer medical therapy for asthma. It is a B2 androgenic receptor stimulating compound that performs the functions of bronchial dilations; it is also referred to as venolin. Its pharmacotherapy role is to break open the medium cavity of the airways in the lung walls. Common medication is by use of nebulizer or inhaler and available also as pill. In reviewing Asthma care, this case study adopts a protocol plan for health assessment for patient Bella. Body The scientific pharmacology associated with the drug is that is a chemically composed of ethanol and sulfate, (Jiang et al., 2016). When ingested, half of the drug is directly absorbed in the small intestines for the intestinal tract. However slower paces of action is achieved. Its action reaches peak after 2 hours of intake, in inhalation salbutamol gets into lungs attaining action level after 3-5 minutes with peak of 15-20 minutes. Hover theaction of salbutamol depended on the patient, it is expected maximum activity to have been attained after 4-6 hours, and it is taken through intestinal tract metabolism and via the liver for excretion in urinary tract. It is for this short acting duration on the body that is chosen for medical treatment inn asthma, as asthma. Its mechanism of action is that it acts as a stimulator of B2 androgenic receptors which are receptors in the bronchial muscles in the lungs. B2 receptor stimulation leads to activation of enzymes referred to adenosine cycle that initiates cyclic adenosine mono phosphate form adenosine tri phosphate. The elevated levels of adenosine mono phosphate ensures the smooth muscles are relaxed and lowers the air way through lowering the airway resistance through intracellular ionic calcium concentration. Thus with complex chemical and physical activities, salbutamol relaxes the muscles in the airway from the tracheal ending at the terminal bronchioles, (Zhou et al., 2016). The usage and utilization of this drug involves a number of steps, It is exploited in bronchi spasm in the reversal obstructive airway diseases, Used in exercise induced broncho spasm. Situations which have been considered to influence broncho spasm include contraindications. This occurs in person who has reactions to the administration of salbutamol or any contents of it. It is also contraindicated in patients with history of cardiac tachyarrhythmias related to the functioning of the heart. The drug is always available in various forms which include tablet, syrup intake, nebulizer compound and injections via the muscles and venibular. Tablets form contains 2 and 4 mg which are able to release the salbutamol. The syrup solution is taken each with 5 ml which has 2 mg of salbutamol. The inhaler mixture entails presence of two types of compound; salbutamol metered dose inhaler and dry powder inhaler compound. The mixture compound with MDI is usually compressed in aerosol form, it uses the oral inhalation, and where it contains 100mg salbutamol drug in hydrofluoralkane form .the hydrocarbon is a carbon begins which has salbutamol in 200 mg in dry powder form. The nebulizer solution content of salbutamol ingredient of 5 mg and finally the injection form which has 50 mg salbutamol, (Lavaforest et al., 2016). The oral form is given in a dose of 2-4 mg three times in a day for the adults while for children they receive 1-2 given in three times daily. The inhaler formulation solution has 1-2 puffs equivalent to 100-200 mg of salbutamol dose inhaler and given 1-2 capsule containing 200 mg-400 mg of the dry powder drug compound inhaler. The nebulizer solution has 1-2 meals of salbutamol solution which is diluted with the normal saline solution to have a final solution of 2-4 ml which is inhaled till the aerosol ceases, however in severe attacks this may be repeated. The injectable forms are given 5-10 ml each which has 50 mg of salbutamol injection given through the muscles or veins. The side effects degree varies with dosage and the route of administration. Side effects which are common include fine tremor on the skeletal, muscles and the nerves effects, the drug effect also causes palpitation, chest pains, headaches, muscle cramps and tachycardia. The treatment protocol suits Miss Bella, in that all her diagnosis suits the application of this protocol in that the symptoms she is displaying various characteristics which the protocol plan can handle effectively. Prednisolone drug given to her is meant to prevent inflammation in the chest, however the efficacy of these drug is questionable Miss Bella medical history is that she is chronic smoker since age of 12. Research has shown that smoking increases the prevalence chronic cough and exacebaration, (Polosa Thomson, 2013). Smoking decreases the decree of cough in Asthmatic patents and blocks the air cycles. (Pilcher et al., 2016). Previously, studies have concentrated on non smokers alone, leaving the smokers who smoke and had asthma without adequate care. A study done by Hancox et al.,(2016) found out that smoking on drug intake impaired with mild asthma. Thus as an active smoker, Miss Bella may experience some little of difficulty and experience mild asthma during her medicat ion process. The potential problems thus portrayed in her behavior are likely to affect her treatment plan. Bearing in mind she is an active smoker she is likely not follow the drug regime given. The effects of smoke are that, it causes irritations in the lining of the air ways, this cause worsening of asthma case. Also tobacco has been proved to damage the small linings in the lungs which affect her efficacy in terms in terms of the drug regime. Smoke further causes allergic inflammation of the bronchial tubes which causes mucus production, leading to increased coughing and phlegm in the body, (Sander et al., 2013).. These are the dangers in which Miss Bella medication might face For her medication to work she needs to avoid smoking so to enable the drugs to function well in her body. For Miss Bella, smoking cessation is possible; in her medical treatment she should be given nicotine replacement which comes in form of skin patches and prescription of drugs which like bupropion, which reduces the cavity cravings for cigarettes, (Price, Bjermer, Popov Chisholm, 2014). Corticoids drugs are very effective in management of asthma. Due to the inhalation of these drugs, they function by clearing the chronic airway and enable the clearance of the path way of air to be smooth. Often intake of corticoids is associated with mouth thrush, if this occurs then the advice given is to wash her mouth every day and spitting after taking the drug. Achieving appropriate medication protocol for Miss Bella, there is need to address the environmental factors which play key role, involving the family as part of the process is essential. There is need to teach the family members on how to offer support to Bella in learning self management skills and monitoring her on long term treatment plan is important. Conclusion The overall goal and objective of care to asthma patients is to ensure patent improves and restoration on positive state of health is achieved. There is need to offer quality care in managing these patients while following the correct protocol plan in order to majorly reduce impairment and reduce the risk. Thus to achieve this, it needs right full medication processes and seeking support for the patient. References Hancox, R.J., Gray, A.R., Poulton, R. and Sears, M.R., (2016). The effect of cigarette smoking on lung function in young adults with asthma. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 194(3), pp.276-284. Jiang, B., Ruan, Z., Chen, J., Lou, H., Shao, R., Jin, F. and Shen, H., (2016). Pharmacokinetic properties and bioequivalence of orally inhaled salbutamol in healthy Chinese volunteers. Drug development and industrial pharmacy, 42(9), pp.1476-1481. Pilcher, J., Patel, M., Reddel, H.K., Pritchard, A., Black, P., Shaw, D., Holt, S., Weatherall, M. and Beasley, R., (2016). Effect of smoking status on the efficacy of the SMART regimen in high risk asthma. Respirology. Polosa, R. and Thomson, N.C., 2013. Smoking and asthma: dangerous liaisons. European respiratory journal, 41(3), pp.716-726. Price, D., Bjermer, L., Popov, T.A. and Chisholm, A., (2014). Integrating evidence for managing asthma in patients who smoke. Allergy, asthma immunology research, 6(2), pp.114-120. Sundar, I.K., Nevid, M.Z., Friedman, A.E. and Rahman, I., (2013). Cigarette smoke induces distinct histone modifications in lung cells: implications for the pathogenesis of COPD and lung cancer. Journal of proteome research, 13(2), pp.982-996. Zhou, L., Wang, Q., Zhang, Y., Ji, Y. and Yang, X., (2016). Aquatic photolysis of 2-agonist salbutamol: kinetics and mechanism studies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, pp.1-10.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Child of Rage free essay sample

This attachment break severely damages the heart and mind. It stops the child’s ability to care, love or trust. When a child is deprived of these characteristics, they are capable of anything; even cold blooded murder all because of what a person or people did to them as young children. Unattached children don’t trust, and that is a characteristic that sticks with mostly all unattached children. As seen in Beths case, she trusted no one, she didn’t care who she hurt. They also say that these children didn’t want anyone to be the â€Å"boss† of them but I didn’t see this in Beth’s case. She listened to her adoptive mother when she was told to go to her room. Children with attachment disorder feel like they are the devil or even a horrible person. As the parent or guardian that is trying to rehabilitate the child is to help them change the way the child feels about themselves. We will write a custom essay sample on Child of Rage or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Make the child feel loved and valued. Beth seems to have no conscience when she was speaking to the psychiatrist about the things she did to her parents, her brother and the animals. At night Beth would sneak out of her room, go into her parents’ room and stab them with knives. And when she was asked why she did it, with a straight face she said because she wanted to kill them. Beth would try to kill her pets by sticking them multiple times with pins. Whether the animals cried, she would not stop. And when it came to her brother, she would molest him. She would stick her finger in his anus, pull, kick and squeeze his penis, punch him in the stomach and bang his head on the cement floor repeadidly. All she wanted to do was kill him the animals and her parents. She didn’t like people and didn’t want to be around people. Everyone uses defense mechanisms to cope with whatever is going on in their personal lives. Why do we use them? To protect ourselves and cover up bad feelings we are having. In this case, I don’t feel like Beth used defense mechanisms. In my opinion, when Beth was doing his mischief it was because of the things her birth father was doing to her. So if she did use a defense mechanism I would say she used displacement. She took her anger out on the animals, her little brother and her parents. She knew she had an upper hand on her brother because she was older and she most likely was bigger than her animals. In the case of her parents, she would hurt them while they were sleep which gave her the upper hand on them. The treatment for Beth’s attachment disorder, the first step was to temporarily take her out of the home with her brother and adoptive parents. She needed to be away from them. Once this happened she moved in with a specialist that gave Beth boundaries. Since Beth did not trust anyone, they didn’t not trust her so she was given these boundaries and chores to start her on her treatment. Whenever she wanted to do something that was out of the eye sight of her guardian she had to ask permission. If she wanted to use the bathroom, get something to drink or anything of that nature, Beth was put in a heavily controlled environment. To build her self-esteem, Beth was praised when she did something good. Being praised makes a child feel loved and that someone cares when they do right. I think it is a good way to help children especially if it helped Beth. I do agree that praise helps build self-esteem. It lets these unattached children know that people care about them. Temporarily taking her out of her home with the adoptive parents may have been the only downfall, because she was taken out of a situation she was partially comfortable in to a place with complete strangers. The fact that she had no freedom sculpted her and showed her she was not the boss and had to answer to someone. I think it’s a good way to help these abused children become attached again. If Beth didn’t have any therapeutic intervention her adult life would be hell. She wouldn’t be able to have a symbiotic relationship with anyone. She could even turn on the people that that actually care about her. She would separate herself from the human world because of a statement that she made about her not liking people while she was talking to the psychiatrist. Any relationship she might have had would not be a good one. She would abuse them just like she abused her parents and brother. Unfortunately the ones that might’ve ended up killed would be her brother or parents because she had the intentions of killing them already. She would never have gotten any better; her disorder would’ve gotten worst as time went on. The attempts used to curb Beth’s aggression were sending her to therapy. Therapy was a way for her to release her feelings she kept inside, and so her parents could understand what she was thinking. Then sending her to the specialist for unattached children was a great attempt. She ended up being a new person. This changed her as a person, made her better for society and her family. This was also the positivistic outcome of her therapy. To see a smile on the face of a child, that just wanted to kill for revenge. Beth grew up to be a mentally health woman. She obtained a degree in nursing and she also wrote a book entitles â€Å"More Than a Thread of Hope†. Beth and her adoptive mother Nancy established a clinic for children with severe behavior problems. Nancy and Beth have a website which is: www. attachment. org.